Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
Whether you’re new to chiropractic or Connected Life Chiropractic, you might have questions about what we do. Below, you’ll find answers to some of the most common questions we get about our office. If yours isn’t answered below, please contact our team.
Once I begin chiropractic care, will I have to continue forever?
No. Your care will be tailored to your individual goals for your health.
Will you give me exercises to do?
If Dr. Valentine thinks that you can benefit from some form of therapeutic exercise, he’ll go over that with you.
Why would a child need to see a chiropractor?
Physical, chemical and emotional stress affects a child just like it does an adult. After birth, we can check your baby to make sure they’re in balance. It’s far better to start early than wait until adulthood and then need to resolve a problem that has been present for years.
Does it hurt to get adjusted?
No. There is no pain involved in a chiropractic adjustment.
What costs are involved?
We want it to be affordable for families to be under care. Each case is looked at on an individual basis.
Is chiropractic a cure for everything?
No. We do not treat symptoms or conditions. Instead, we remove subluxations so that your body can heal itself. By getting rid of interference in your nerves, you can do what you were designed to.
Can chiropractic care help with colic?
Yes! By removing nerve interference, we take stress of your baby, which may result in a decrease of colic symptoms.
Will I need to have a referral from my physician to see you?
No. If we think, however, that you can benefit from seeing a physician or other specialist, we’ll tell you who we recommend.
If I’ve had back surgery, can I see a chiropractor?
Yes, though whether you’re a candidate will depend on the severity of your case. We’ll be happy to evaluate you and let you know what we recommend.
Will I be adjusted on the first visit?
No. Dr. Valentine will take time to study your examination findings before determining how you can benefit from chiropractic care. There are exceptions, however, such as for a colicky baby.
Can pregnant women be adjusted?
Yes! Many people are hesitant about getting adjusted while pregnant, or don’t know why they should in the first place.
The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces interference to the nervous system and helps optimize neuro-biomechanical and physiological function to support a more comfortable, safer, and easier birth for pregnant mothers and their babies.
We’re Here for You
Let us take care of you and your loved ones. Contact us today! We have same-day visits available.
Connected Life Chiropractic FAQs | (512) 688-4032